Aphra Cheesman
Hole in my jumper brooch
2020, stainless steel, mild steel, acrylic paint, enamel paint, wax, 70 x 60 x 20 mm, Photography Andrew Barcham.
I look to the everyday 'stuff' that accumulates in drawers, pockets, attics, cupboards and in piles on the street, collecting traces of the encounters that have occurred between people and things. In reconstructing the worn patches in everyday objects such as clothing and furniture, the contact zones between body and object over time are made tangible. As brooches, the pieces can attach to a piece of clothing, furniture or textile, and hence be used to ‘patch up’ the worn areas. In doing so, I also consider how jewellery could function as an alternative mode of repair.
Aphra Cheesman
Switch neckpiece
2018, blackened mild steel, sterling silver, felt, electrical cord, 20 x 17 x 750 mm, Photography Andrew Barcham.