Yi Jen Chu
Excess production line — Packaging 2
2021, recycled brass rod, copper, gilding metal, tin plating, Photography Fred Kroh.
This series of Excess production line work is part of YI-Jen Chu excess production line kinetic objects collection. The central of this research project is aim to express how the assembly line manufacturing system has led to the social effects of over-production and consumption. It provides a rationale for a series of small-scale kinetic objects that I have created using gold and silversmithing techniques. These objects reference the historical progression of the development of machinery technology used to build a food assembly line, and the mechanical tasks necessary in the manufacture of food products. My objects are designed to invite human participation as their purpose is to raise awareness of issues related to what I perceive as the shortcomings of a fully automated manufacturing system.
Yi Jen Chu
The Excess production line
2021, still from film Fred Kroh.