Yara Ueltschi
Disappearing inside, appearing outside
2021, copper, dimensions variable, Photography Yara Ueltschi.
Yara Ueltschi explores identity, connections, boundaries, perception, hierarchy and language through artworks and objects as vehicles to convey and share these concepts. She merges her unique insight as an autistic female with the challenging of ways other non-human identities are perceived. Ueltschi's goal is to transform, mutate, re-evaluate and re-contextualize everyday symbols (like language), objects, clothing, jewellery and games to create functional (or non-functional) items that seek to break down social norms and anthropocentric hierarchy.
Electroforming is a process where metal (copper) is hung from stainless steel rods into a liquid bath of various chemicals. Electricity is then conducted through these metal components and the anodes dissolve into the chemical solution and the metal particles attach to the cathode to build layers of metal. The text created refers to concepts of inside and outside, and the idea of my identity disappearing inside and appearing outside of social and sensory norms.
The text doubly refers to its own location: being inside and framed, and outside and free, as well as the process of electroforming where the anode literally disappears in order for the cathode to appear. Through this, I am able to express my identity as a neurodiverse individual and the identity and agency of materials by building these relational empathetic approaches.
Yara Ueltschi
Disappearing inside, appearing outside
2021, copper, dimensions variable, Photography Yara Ueltschi.