Jennifer Sun Baulch
The Oven That is 11am
2020, house paint, paper, cardboard, pegs, eggshells, baking paper, 1320 x 1200 mm, Photography Jennifer Sun Baulch.
I consider the ways in which multiple scales; the planetary, the geographic, the domestic and the personal, converge in and with human experience. I aim to bring conscious attention to these scalar intersections in our lives. I do this by making moving images that re-interpret sensory and spatial experiences, and by making sculptures that re-configure the formal and material qualities of domestic objects. Through transforming imagery and material, I seek to convey unexpected, de-familiarised meanings and forms.
Jennifer Sun Baulch
The Oven That is 11am
2020, house paint, paper, cardboard, pegs, eggshells, baking paper, 1320 x 1200 mm, Photography Jennifer Sun Baulch.